About Us

Welcome to our world, where we believe that games are more than just pixels on a screen. This is a place where dreams take shape, where imagination meets reality, and where the line between the virtual and the real world blurs. We are a small game development studio with a big heart and an even bigger dream.

At Happy Little Games, we believe that playing games is about fun and happiness. It's about experiencing the thrill of victory, the sting of defeat, and everything in between. We create games that you can lose yourself in, games that transport you to new worlds and introduce you to characters you'll never forget.

But more than that, we see games as a form of art. Our team of talented developers and artists pour their heart and soul into every pixel, every line of code, and every character we create. We prioritize vision over profit, because at the end of the day, we want to create something that we can be proud of. Something that will stand the test of time and inspire others to push the boundaries of what's possible.

We came together with a shared vision - to change the gaming industry for the better. We believe in ethical practices, in putting players first, and in creating games that are worth playing. We're not here to exploit players for profit, but to provide them with unique, fun experiences that they'll remember for years to come.

And yes, we do acknowledge that there are some questionable practices in the gaming industry. But hey, nobody's perfect, right? We're here to focus on the positive and to create a ripple effect in the industry. We hope other studios will follow suit and put players first too.

One game at a time, we're committed to making a difference. We want to inspire, innovate, and most importantly, have fun. After all, life's too short to do anything else.

We're not just making games. We're creating experiences. Unique and fun experiences that will leave you wanting more.

So come along for the ride. Let's play some Happy Little Games together.